Saturday, December 29, 2007

Headlines I Missed in 2007

I came across a video on Yahoo odd news, I found it a little interesting. With in the video I remember hearing about a particular story that I though should blog about.

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa -- A Marshalltown woman faces charges of stealing three rolls of toilet paper from the local courthouse and could get prison time. NewsChannel 8's Katie Piper caught up with the woman accused of stealing the toilet paper. Courthouse employees said they thought something was up. "They said they seem to go through a lot of toilet paper at the courthouse," said Marshalltown Police Chief Lon Walker. Marshalltown police said one of the employees caught Suzanne Marie Butts, of Marshalltown, taking the two-ply from the women's bathroom and called police. The courthouse parking lot attendant said he knew about toilet paper going missing. "I've heard they call it the toilet paper caper," said parking lot attendant Gene Seim. Police said they caught up with Butts outside the courthouse Friday, and she was hiding the toilet paper in her shirt. Butts told NewsChannel 8 that it was the first time she had stolen toilet paper and that her attorney said not talk. "He told me not to ask any questions until he's with me," Butts said. The courthouse workers told police they suspected something was up. "She's facing three years incarceration for three rolls of toilet paper," Walker said. "Normally, that would be a simple misdemeanor," Walker said. Police said that on Friday, Butts was arrested on charges of stealing $30 from a family member. That makes four theft charges against her. A judge will decide what punishment fits this crime.

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