Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thank you, God, for my kids.

Yesterday, when I got home I had a "Father moment" I will never forget. Typically my youngest daughters come running to the front to greet me everyday. For some reason, Wednesday, December 26 of 2007, was different. Princess JL, my two year old, came running full blast around the corner from the master bedroom yelling into cupped hands, "Princess JF, Princess JF, Daddy's home. Princess JF, Princess JF, Daddy's home". Now, Princess JF was upstairs playing with her brother and older sister, so once she heard Princess JL proclaiming that I have arrived, she let out a scream and started to run across the upstairs and slid down the stairs. The part I won't forget the most is that little Princess JL could not make up her mind to come give me a hug or wait at the bottom of the stairs for Princess JF. She finally came and gave me a big hug and a couple of her "Princess JL kisses". Princess JL can be a real brat a majority of the time, but lately she's done some really cute things.

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