Keep in Touch...!!!
For the past couple of weeks my wife and I have been collecting clothes from people for the homeless. Staci would put a posting on asking people for unwanted clothing, blankets, back packs, shoes, etc, and I would pick them up. Well, yesterday a group of 12 of us went to Downtown Dallas to pass out the items we had been given. My father-in-law works downtown a has gotten a feel for where the majority of the homeless men and women hang out.
We had a lot of women's clothes this time compared to the time before. As soon as we pulled up in front of the community resource center, they all flocked to the vans we were in. In the gold van we served sandwiches and chili, unfortunately though we did not have enough food for everyone. Even though we didn't have enough for everyone I believe that everyone was just glad we came down just to see them and serve their needs. God brings us down a certain road to prepare us for different obstacles in life. I pray for the people we saw yesterday and I hope they are getting prepared, because change is right around the corner.